
Hani Alqam holds a diploma from the Institute of Fine Arts in Amman, Jordan (2001) and has attended several artists’ workshops and participated in a residency in Art OMI International Artists Residency, New York, USA (2008); Vermont Studio Center Residency, New York, USA (2005); painting and printmaking courses at Darat al-Funun's Summer Academy (2001) and the Jordan National Gallery of Fine Arts (1999 & 2001). Alqam has held three solo exhibitions and has participated in numerous group shows in Europe, the U.K., Ireland, the U.S.A., Pakistan and Jordan. His work focuses on society, and the frailty and complexities of the human psyche. His paintings of Amman highlight the chaos and charm of the city's old cafés and neighbourhoods. Alqam lives and works in Amman.