Posted on: Tue, 04/26/2022 - 11:34 By: admin

Abdul Aziz started painting at an early age. Growing up in the Palestinian refugee camp Ayn al-Sultan, Jericho, he was exposed to Sufi meetings and chants, which had a strong influence on his cultural development.

Abdul Aziz earned a degree in fine art at the Fine Arts College in Cairo in 1968 and a Diploma in Cinema Directing and Production from the Institute of Cinema in Cairo in 1980. He is the winner of the award of the Mediterranean Biennial in Alexandria in 1970. From 1974 to 1998, he lived in Dubai, UAE, where he worked as a television producer. Abdul Aziz wrote numerous television scripts and taught and wrote on the history of Arab art. He currently lives and works in Amman.



“Nasr Abdul Aziz recognizes the role of art and the artist’s responsibility in a new light. In his view, it does not constitute the imitation of reality, nor is it futile abstraction nor a resignation to symbolism. To him, art has always been, and remains, a highly effective tool that does not stem from the surface nor tries to seek inspiration too far from the source. That is why the origins of his paintings exist beyond the physical world. His insight surpasses his sight for he ‘sees’ solely through his imagination – the observant and meticulous eye of the authentic artist. Abdul Aziz remains what he always has been: an artist with his own particular vision, style and philosophy.”


Rabah al-Sagheer

place of birth
Born in Hebron, Palestine 1941

Abdul Aziz started painting at an early age. Growing up in the Palestinian refugee camp Ayn al-Sultan, Jericho, he was exposed to Sufi meetings and chants, which had a strong influence on his cultural development.

Abdul Aziz earned a degree in fine art at the Fine Arts College in Cairo in 1968 and a Diploma in Cinema Directing and Production from the Institute of Cinema in Cairo in 1980. He is the winner of the award of the Mediterranean Biennial in Alexandria in 1970. From 1974 to 1998, he lived in Dubai, UAE, where he worked as a television producer. Abdul Aziz wrote numerous television scripts and taught and wrote on the history of Arab art. He currently lives and works in Amman.



“Nasr Abdul Aziz recognizes the role of art and the artist’s responsibility in a new light. In his view, it does not constitute the imitation of reality, nor is it futile abstraction nor a resignation to symbolism. To him, art has always been, and remains, a highly effective tool that does not stem from the surface nor tries to seek inspiration too far from the source. That is why the origins of his paintings exist beyond the physical world. His insight surpasses his sight for he ‘sees’ solely through his imagination – the observant and meticulous eye of the authentic artist. Abdul Aziz remains what he always has been: an artist with his own particular vision, style and philosophy.”


Rabah al-Sagheer